Innisfail Qld, Construction, 2011
Bridge Engineer: GHD
Construction Engineer: Paterdis
2012 Queensland Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Award to Cassowary Coast Regional Council and GHD
2013 Concrete Institute of Australia (Qld) award to Cassowary Coast Regional Council and GHD
Paterdis provided construction engineering services partnering with the contractor responsible for delivering the new Jubilee Bridge. The Jubilee Bridge spanning the South Johnston River in Innisfail was initially built in 1923 and first signs of pier subsidence was recorded on the bridge structure in 1928. In May 2010 the bridge was closed due to safety concerns. The new bridge opened on September 2011 and faithfully reproduced the Art Deco features of the original bridge and the architecture typical to Innisfail.
Paterdis’ involvement included the development of the pier formwork system. Bridge durability criteria, complicated and dense prefabricated pier reinforcing cages, tight construction programme and detailed Art Deco finishes gave merit to a formwork system that had no form ties through the cast concrete of the piers. Paterdis designed and shop dimensioned the arched pier forms with form ties carefully located outside of the concrete elements. To achieve the required class of finish, the final form solutions were fabricated steel shutters; fabrication that could occur simultaneously with the early stages of site works. Early up-front investment in fabrication and material resulted in substantial on site savings in cost and time. The pier forms were designed to cater for out of balance concrete pressures resulting from each arch leg poured at different rates or at different times.
The permanent bridge design required the pier cap level below high tide levels and the cap was designed as a cast in-situ element. Paterdis and contractor developed a precast concrete pier cap form system hydro-statically sealed to remove the high tide problem and lifted into position from on-site casting beds. The precast elements remained in place and formed part of the final permanent bridge works.

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